9495 Keilman Street, St. John, Indiana, USA 46373
- Phone – 219-365-4686
- Fax – 219-365-4602
- Email – office@stjohndyerchamber.com
- Follow Us on Facebook – facebook.com/StJohnDyerChamber
The St. John-Dyer Chamber office is located one block West of of Rt. 41 on 95th Street; at the corner of 95th St. and Keilman St.. Elevated on the 2nd floor of a Beige Brick Building [west of Stop & Shop].
Our in-office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9am to 1pm during the summer months, and remote Tuesday & Friday.
Regular in-office hours M-F from 9am to 1pm resume on August 19.