I (we), the applicant(s), hereby agree to participate with the fellow business community members of the St. John-Dyer Chamber of Commerce to promote economic prosperity and, therefore, apply for membership and agree to pay the annual dues of $155.25. By applying for membership, it is agreed that payment of annual dues shall continue from year to year unless modified or cancelled in writing while in good standing. Paid membership entitles the member to one listing (each additional is $25.00) in the Chamber directory, which is distributed to residents in St. John, Dyer and other Chamber businesses. The membership directory is also mailed upon request to businesses and new residents interested in learning about our local community. In addition, member businesses are presented with a membership welcome packet at one of the scheduled monthly meetings and your business will be listed on the Chamber Web site.
Select your business below to start the renew process. Or contact the Chamber office – 219-365-4686 to pay by phone.